The Linlithgow Players are an amateur drama group with a membership of approximately 25 adults. We perform throughout the year in Linlithgow and sometimes beyond! Our calendar starts with our ever popular family pantomime which takes place in January at the Linlithgow Academy Theatre. As well as being a great opportunity for everyone in the group to be involved in a production, it is also the one show in which we invite children to join us as members of the chorus. We perform a full length play in Spring, traditionally at the Academy, but most recently at Linlithgow Primary School (Ghost Writer), The Burgh Halls (The Memory of Water), the Star and Garter Hotel (The Weir) and Donaldsons's School (What...You Will?).
Over the Summer we perform historical short plays in Linlithgow Palace at the invitation of Historic Environment Scotland.
Finally, comes our Plays and Wine event in October. This is an evening of one act plays and sketches where the audience sits cabaret style to enjoy the cheese and wine or soft drinks provided.
If you would like to be kept informed of upcoming productions see our "Contact Us" page for more information.
As members of the Scottish Community Drama Association (SCDA) we have the opportunity to take part in their one act play competition and full length play competition. As well as enjoying successes here (most notably being runners up at the One Act Festival Scottish final with ANight Under Canvas), the festivals also allow us to learn and develop.
Eden Court Theatre, Inverness in the Scottish final of the SCDA One Act Play competition
Recent years have seen further successes for the club. In 2015 we were one of only 7 Scottish clubs selected by the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) to receive their support and mentorship to devise and perform our version of Twelfth Night (What...You Will?) as part of the RSC Open Stages Project. This allowed us the opportunity to attend workshops run by professional coaches from the RSC and receive individual directorial mentoring from Dundee Rep Theatre throughout the project. Our Shakespearean adventures culminated in a performance of What...You Will? in Stratford-upon Avonat the invitation of the RSC.
What a laugh we have! Why don't you join ?
We are always interested in welcoming new members. There are many different roles within the club that you can become involved in. While most will join the club because they want to act in plays, you may have other creative skills that are just as important in staging a production, such as directing, costume, set design, props, sound and light or stage management.
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more. Often coming along to a rehearsal or play reading is a good way of meeting us and seeing what we are working on, so drop us an email (on the contact us page) to find out when we are next meeting.
We usually rehearse on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Low Port Centre. We are a very sociable group and often round off our rehearsal evenings with a swift drink in one of Linlithgow's hostelries. Social events to see other local productions or trips to Edinburgh for the Fringe or professional performances are also a regular feature.
Membership of the club is just £25 a year (but we give you time to find your feet and settle in before we take any money from you!)